Lesson COG 19
Task: Match picture to an object.
Prerequisites: ADT 1, ADT 4—ADT 6, COG 6, SEN 11—SEN 13
Concept: This exercise marks a beginning of relating abstract thinking to objects. The picture is a two-dimensional representation of the object to be identified. Photographs of the actual objects should be used to make the transition from object to picture easier.
Behavioral Objective: When presented with five objects, the student will place a picture representing each object next to its corresponding object to a 90% accuracy level for 20 trials.
Materials: Five objects of items common to the student's environment, such as a toothbrush, pencil, or drinking cup. Photographs of these objects, markers, and paper.
Task Analysis:
1. Review each of the objects with the student, asking been or her to select or point to (see prerequisite ADT 4) each item. Continue this exercise until the student appears familiar with the name of each item.
2. Present each object and its accompanying photograph to the student. Stress en the student that each item (object and photo) has the same name.
3. Present one object and two photos (one of which represents the object) and prompt the student to select the picture of the object presented and place it by the object. Reduce prompting until this activity can be performed with just verbal requests.
4. Continue Step 3, increasing pictures and objects in increments of one until all five objects and photos are used.
5. Although mastery of Step 4 will meet the objective, continue Step 4 by re-placing the photographs with hand-drawn illustration of the objects. Make these in a line-drawing style where exact illustration is not the goal but some graphic representation is produced.