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IOSR Journal Of Humanities And Social Science (IOSR-JHSS)Volume 19, Issue 4, Ver. VII (Apr. 2014), PP 24-30e-ISSN: 2279-0837, p-ISSN: 24| PageRecreational Activities for Senior Citizens*Bhawana Singh, **U. V. Kiran*Research Scholar**Assistant ProfessorDepartment of Human Development & Family Studies, School for Home Sciences,Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar Central UniversityLucknow, India-225026Abstract:Recreation playsa key role in the well-being of older adults and in enhancing their quality of life. For seniors, as for people of all ages, involvement in recreation activities can satisfy a variety of needs. Among the important benefits of recreation for the senior population is increased health and fitness, as well as opportunities for socializing, for using skills and talents developed throughout their lifetime, and for learning new skills. The aim of this article is to dwell upon variousrecreational activities for the elderly. These activities are very useful to them as they can spend their leisure time and enjoy by doing interesting tasks.The senior population is quite varied, with a diversity of interests, strengths, and abilities. Some seniors have enjoyed a positive use of leisure throughout their life, and are able to find appropriate activities to suit their changing physical abilities and interests. Other seniors, however, may not be aware of the potential positive values ofrecreation.Keywords:Elderly, physical activity, recreational activity,I.IntroductionThe ageing of population is an obvious consequence of the process of demographic transition. While the countries of the West have already experienced and have planned for their elderly population, it is only in the last one and half decades that countries in Asia too are facing a steady growth of the elderly, as a result of the decline in fertility and mortality, better medical and health care and improvements in the overallquality of life of people. Within Asia, as India and China are the two largest countries in the region, it is expected that they would have asignificant proportion of the World‘s elderly because of their large population base. In fact, the situation in India presents two different scenarios with certain states grappling with curbing their high fertility rates while others, which have controlled high fertility rates, are already experiencing or are poised to experience an increase in their elderly population.There has been a progressive increase in both the number and proportion of the aged in India over time, particularly after 1951. Between 1901 and 1951, the proportion of population over age 60 increased marginally from 5 percent to 5.4 percent, while by 2001 this had increased to 7.0 percent. When changes in the decadal growth rate in the general population are compared with those for the elderly population, it is noted that the latter grew at a relatively much faster rate than the general population, since 1951. Furthermore, the decadal percent increase in the elderly population for the period 2001-2011 is likely to be more than double the rate of increase of the general population. The size of the elderly rose in absolute terms during the last century from 12 million in 1901 to approximately 71 million in 2001 and is likely to reach 113 million in 2016. Yet another feature of ageing in India is the fact that the proportion of elderly is much higher in the rural areas than in the urban areas. In recent years, there has been an increase of aging in the society. The aging of the population can lead to an increase in the number of individuals at risk for chronic diseases. In an article from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention‘s Healthy Aging Network, physical activity (PA) was considered one key element for determining health status. In fact, evidence suggests that PA is associated with more years of life, self-perceived healthy life, yearswithout impairment in daily life activities, lower rates of functional decline, lower risk of mortality, increased longevity, reduced risk of type 2 diabetes, and better quality of life.Being active throughout the majority of one's lifetime has an important influence on overall health and well-being. The widely known definition of physical activity (PA) as "any bodily movement produced by the contraction of skeletal muscle that increases energy expenditure above a basal level".PA has been found to check many long lastinghealth problems as well as to promote mental health and well-being. Lower mortality rates occur among those who become physically active late in life as compared to those who were active in early life and stopped exercising.Outdoor recreational PA, defined as "to be outside in natural or cultural landscapes for well-being and encounters with nature without demands for competition" has been shown to be particularly good for promoting
Recreational Activities For Senior 25| Pagewell-being. PA performed outdoors in original settings has been found to have restorative effects on people's health andreduce mental fatigue.II.Relationship between Mental Health and Organized Recreational ActivityA review of current literature indicates that people who participate in sports clubs and organized recreational activity enjoy better mental health, are more alert, and more pliable against the stresses of modern living. Engaged in recreational groups and socially supported physical activity is shown to overcomestress, anxiety and depression, and mitigate thesymptoms of Alzheimer‘s disease. Violent crime also reduces significantly when participation in community activities increases. Links between mental health and group activitiesParticipation in sportsand recreation activities can decreasestress, depressionand anxiety. Engaged in the group recreation provides a sense of attachment, belongingnessand positive values. According to Bandura‘s social cognitive theory, behaviour is shaped by the interactionbetween individual and environmentalfactors. This theory emphasizes the influence ofsocial interaction in relation to behaviour. There are both direct and indirect links betweenparticipation in group activity and mental health.Recreation activities for seniorsGone are the days when retirees used to sit at home and feel old. It is important for older adultsto stay active after retirement and be participative in the community. The choices for outdoor recreation are unavoidable. There are many centers that offer various classes and courses in exercise programs, crafts and arts, and other outings.PA is a wide-ranging term that includes a variety of activities.Recreation activities for seniors provide long term advantages. Higher fitness levels, improved healthand social interactions are few of the benefits of indulging in fun activities. It is therapeutic refreshment for both the mind and body.WalkingWalking is one of the most common exercises. It is enjoyable and a social activity that can also be carried on with friendsand family members. There is nothing like availsome fresh air in lushgreen surroundings. It helps toreducedepression and lower down thestress, thus maintaining emotional well being whether you have a company or not. It is perhaps the best form of physical exercise for all age groups. The chance to inhalefresh air and see the greenery helps in reducingdepression and helps maintain emotional well being. It also gives a chance to meet other people. The older adultsmust wear comfortable walking shoes, which will give support to theirfeet and they will not make them feel tired. For those who feel the requirementfor intermediate supportor a need to hold on to something, carrying a stick is a good idea. For those who can go for longer walkseasily, or choose to go and sit in the park, or garden, carrying a bottle of water would help them to take care of thirst. However, if one is on a wheelchair, going to parks and gardens may not be very feasible owing to the physical barriers. There is however another boon –the malls, which can be accessed even in wheelchairs, with a helper. For the wheelchair borne, these walks may not be possible everyday but can be clubbed with window shopping, if one is interested and perhaps a coffee, with a friend, acquaintance, or a family member.Bird WatchingA great activity for people who love nature but cannot go for nature walks, in the fields or forests because of physicalproblems or deformities,lack of transport, companions or any other practical problem, then there is no need to goto the forests for this. A park is thegood idea to start thisactivity.PhotographyAnother activity is photography. For whicha camera is to be needed. A practical way is getting hold of a digital camera, and clicking whatever interesting, and capturing it in the camera. It could be a theme –like nature, or vehicles, or humans, anything that holdsattention. This can then be even consolidated into a scrapbook kind of file in acomputer. GardeningGardening is a nice leisure activity for older adults. It helps people to connect with the nature. Just need a smallpatch of land or a plot that will keep the elderlyoccupied, or a few pots that can keep in the balcony or just outside
หน้า: ของ 7 IOSR Journal Of Humanities And Social Science (IOSR-JHSS)Volume 19, Issue 4, Ver. VII (Apr. 2014), PP 24-30e-ISSN: 2279-0837, p-ISSN: 24| PageRecreational Activities for Senior Citizens*Bhawana Singh, **U. V. Kiran*Research Scholar**Assistant ProfessorDepartment of Human Development & Family Studies, School for Home Sciences,Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar Central UniversityLucknow, India-225026Abstract:Recreation playsa key role in the well-being of older adults and in enhancing their quality of life. For seniors, as for people of all ages, involvement in recreation activities can satisfy a variety of needs. Among the important benefits of recreation for the senior population is increased health and fitness, as well as opportunities for socializing, for using skills and talents developed throughout their lifetime, and for learning new skills. The aim of this article is to dwell upon variousrecreational activities for the elderly. These activities are very useful to them as they can spend their leisure time and enjoy by doing interesting tasks.The senior population is quite varied, with a diversity of interests, strengths, and abilities. Some seniors have enjoyed a positive use of leisure throughout their life, and are able to find appropriate activities to suit their changing physical abilities and interests. Other seniors, however, may not be aware of the potential positive values ofrecreation.Keywords:Elderly, physical activity, recreational activity,I.IntroductionThe ageing of population is an obvious consequence of the process of demographic transition. While the countries of the West have already experienced and have planned for their elderly population, it is only in the last one and half decades that countries in Asia too are facing a steady growth of the elderly, as a result of the decline in fertility and mortality, better medical and health care and improvements in the overallquality of life of people. Within Asia, as India and China are the two largest countries in the region, it is expected that they would have asignificant proportion of the World‘s elderly because of their large population base. In fact, the situation in India presents two different scenarios with certain states grappling with curbing their high fertility rates while others, which have controlled high fertility rates, are already experiencing or are poised to experience an increase in their elderly population.There has been a progressive increase in both the number and proportion of the aged in India over time, particularly after 1951. Between 1901 and 1951, the proportion of population over age 60 increased marginally from 5 percent to 5.4 percent, while by 2001 this had increased to 7.0 percent. When changes in the decadal growth rate in the general population are compared with those for the elderly population, it is noted that the latter grew at a relatively much faster rate than the general population, since 1951. Furthermore, the decadal percent increase in the elderly population for the period 2001-2011 is likely to be more than double the rate of increase of the general population. The size of the elderly rose in absolute terms during the last century from 12 million in 1901 to approximately 71 million in 2001 and is likely to reach 113 million in 2016. Yet another feature of ageing in India is the fact that the proportion of elderly is much higher in the rural areas than in the urban areas. In recent years, there has been an increase of aging in the society. The aging of the population can lead to an increase in the number of individuals at risk for chronic diseases. In an article from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention‘s Healthy Aging Network, physical activity (PA) was considered one key element for determining health status. In fact, evidence suggests that PA is associated with more years of life, self-perceived healthy life, yearswithout impairment in daily life activities, lower rates of functional decline, lower risk of mortality, increased longevity, reduced risk of type 2 diabetes, and better quality of life.Being active throughout the majority of one's lifetime has an important influence on overall health and well-being. The widely known definition of physical activity (PA) as "any bodily movement produced by the contraction of skeletal muscle that increases energy expenditure above a basal level".PA has been found to check many long lastinghealth problems as well as to promote mental health and well-being. Lower mortality rates occur among those who become physically active late in life as compared to those who were active in early life and stopped exercising.Outdoor recreational PA, defined as "to be outside in natural or cultural landscapes for well-being and encounters with nature without demands for competition" has been shown to be particularly good for promoting Recreational Activities For Senior 25| Pagewell-being. PA performed outdoors in original settings has been found to have restorative effects on people's health andreduce mental fatigue.II.Relationship between Mental Health and Organized Recreational ActivityA review of current literature indicates that people who participate in sports clubs and organized recreational activity enjoy better mental health, are more alert, and more pliable against the stresses of modern living. Engaged in recreational groups and socially supported physical activity is shown to overcomestress, anxiety and depression, and mitigate thesymptoms of Alzheimer‘s disease. Violent crime also reduces significantly when participation in community activities increases. Links between mental health and group activitiesParticipation in sportsand recreation activities can decreasestress, depressionand anxiety. Engaged in the group recreation provides a sense of attachment, belongingnessand positive values. According to Bandura‘s social cognitive theory, behaviour is shaped by the interactionbetween individual and environmentalfactors. This theory emphasizes the influence ofsocial interaction in relation to behaviour. There are both direct and indirect links betweenparticipation in group activity and mental health.Recreation activities for seniorsGone are the days when retirees used to sit at home and feel old. It is important for older adultsto stay active after retirement and be participative in the community. The choices for outdoor recreation are unavoidable. There are many centers that offer various classes and courses in exercise programs, crafts and arts, and other outings.PA is a wide-ranging term that includes a variety of activities.Recreation activities for seniors provide long term advantages. Higher fitness levels, improved healthand social interactions are few of the benefits of indulging in fun activities. It is therapeutic refreshment for both the mind and body.WalkingWalking is one of the most common exercises. It is enjoyable and a social activity that can also be carried on with friendsand family members. There is nothing like availsome fresh air in lushgreen surroundings. It helps toreducedepression and lower down thestress, thus maintaining emotional well being whether you have a company or not. It is perhaps the best form of physical exercise for all age groups. The chance to inhalefresh air and see the greenery helps in reducingdepression and helps maintain emotional well being. It also gives a chance to meet other people. The older adultsmust wear comfortable walking shoes, which will give support to theirfeet and they will not make them feel tired. For those who feel the requirementfor intermediate supportor a need to hold on to something, carrying a stick is a good idea. For those who can go for longer walkseasily, or choose to go and sit in the park, or garden, carrying a bottle of water would help them to take care of thirst. However, if one is on a wheelchair, going to parks and gardens may not be very feasible owing to the physical barriers. There is however another boon –the malls, which can be accessed even in wheelchairs, with a helper. For the wheelchair borne, these walks may not be possible everyday but can be clubbed with window shopping, if one is interested and perhaps a coffee, with a friend, acquaintance, or a family member.Bird WatchingA great activity for people who love nature but cannot go for nature walks, in the fields or forests because of physicalproblems or deformities,lack of transport, companions or any other practical problem, then there is no need to goto the forests for this. A park is thegood idea to start thisactivity.PhotographyAnother activity is photography. For whicha camera is to be needed. A practical way is getting hold of a digital camera, and clicking whatever interesting, and capturing it in the camera. It could be a theme –like nature, or vehicles, or humans, anything that holdsattention. This can then be even consolidated into a scrapbook kind of file in acomputer. GardeningGardening is a nice leisure activity for older adults. It helps people to connect with the nature. Just need a smallpatch of land or a plot that will keep the elderlyoccupied, or a few pots that can keep in the balcony or just outside
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