Another area that has been studied is the relationship between the ocal's professions and their attitudes toward tourism in terms of tourism impacts Lankford G994 found residents had more negative attitudes on and support for tourism and toward the benefits of tourism, the promoti its environmental impacts than business owners, government employees and elected appointed officials. Ethnic differences in local residents' perceptio were examined by Besculides, Lee, and McCormick (2002. In their study of Hispanic and non-Hispanic groups in Colorado, "a strong sense of ethnic identity was perceived as the most important benefit gained. In addition Hispanic residents put more importance on the cultural benefits of tourism than did non-Hispanic groups.Cape Coast residents whose family members were employed by the industry expressed negative attitudes toward social interaction with tourists. In their empirical study with selected counties in Washington and Idaho, using a structural equation model, Gursoy and Rutherford G2004 found the level of community concern, ecocentric values, utilization of tourism resource base, community attachment, the state of the local economy, economic benefits, social benefits, social costs, and cultural benefits are key determinants of residents' support for tourism. Community attachment, community concern, use of tourism resources, egocentric attitudes, and the state of the local economy impacted host community's perception of tourism and support for tourism.