Recently published reviews give us the opportunity to obtain
a general acknowledgment of these devices. In 2008, A.M. Dollar
and H. Herr presented a study on the actuation, sensory and control
systems of the most famous lower-extremity exoskeletons and
rehabilitation orthoses, including full-body, modular and singlejoint
systems [3]; then another work provided an overview of the
robotic system from the point of view of mutual arrangements
between the device and the wearer, whether in series or in parallel
[15]. Regarding the orthoses applications in post-injury or poststroke
gait training or neurological rehabilitation, they could be
found in [16–19]; while an analysis of the mechanical design of
knee–ankle–foot orthoses is depicted in [20]. Apart from the above
works addressing multi-joint exoskeletons or orthoses, there is
also other review literature presenting single-joint orthoses: the
mechanical design of ankle–foot orthoses (AFO) [21], and control
algorithms for robotic ankle systems [22]