2.4. Data collection
2.4.1. Larval length and weight
Twenty newly-hatched larvae of A. clarkii were sampled randomly and measured for TL (in mm) and body weight (BW in mg) at the beginning of the experiment. At Day-6 and Day-11 of the experiment, 20 larvae were sampled randomly from each bucket and measured for TL and BW. Ten post-larvae (defined as the appearance of first dorsal fin spine, scale and the first transverse pigment band) [11] from each bucket were sampled randomly and measured for TL and BW. Ten young juveniles after the completion of metamorphosis were sampled randomly from each bucket and measured for TL and BW at the end of the experiment.
2.4.2. Larval mortality and pelagic larval duration (PLD)
Numbers of dead larvae were noted daily and removed from each bucket. Days took from newly-hatched larvae to young juveniles right after the completion of metamorphosis were counted and defined as the pelagic larval duration (PLD). In this study, the PLD was also the experimental period.