The stage of organic farming in Bulgaria offers numerous possibilities for people to participate in the daily
routine on a farm.A potential for development of social farming in the country exists due to the suitable naturalclimatic
conditions and the existing traditions in the agricultural output. Social farming helps people with specific
needs solve their problems and start developing this kind of activities.The realization of this potential requires
coordinated and purposeful work from the representatives of the state authority, scientists and specialists, who have
to popularize the idea, reveal its perspectives and turn the public interest to the desired direction.
We can conclude that there is a base for development of social farming in Bulgaria because a network between
organic farmers exists. Many associations and organizations for organic farming are established, which provide a
base for social farm activities. In our network we include the agricultural, social and educational sectors. Finally, our
idea is to establish a National Competence Centre for training in multifunctional agriculture. Through therapy,
work and social inclusion or education, social farming provides high-value public services and contributes to
sustainable development. Moreover, social farming, on the base of diversification of activities it generates can have a
sizeable impact on local development.
However, there is no regulatory framework for it, either at EU level or national. Only certain countries
(France, Italy and the Netherlands) have put sector regulations in place, both at national or regional level. The
development of social farming across Europe requires a conductive environment and fruitful cooperation between
different policy areas and administrations (health/social/farming/labor) at European, national, regional and local