Sakuya placing her knifes, as illustrated in The Grimoire of Marisa.
She possesses a great amount of silver[1][11] throwing knives and is skilled at handling them, and with only her ability to manipulate time[12], she is skilled in conjuring knives from nowhere.[1][13][14]
Her throwing range is said to be 20 ken (about 36 meters or 39.8 yards) and has the accuracy such that she is able to strike an apple on the forehead of a fairy. A portion of her throwing-knife ability is within her cooking ability and therefore is very skilled at cooking as well.[13] She also is able to conjure knives in battle as danmaku as well. In the games, despite Sakuya showing to make knives appear mysteriously when time is stopped, her artwork in The Grimoire of Marisa shows that she's placing the knives physically.