Step 5: Continue Planning and Working
The action team should schedule an annual presentation and celebration
of progress at the school so that all teachers, families, and students
will know about the work that has been done each year to build partnerships.
Or the district coordinator for school, family, and community partnerships
might arrange an annual conference for all schools in the district.
At the annual school or district meeting, the action team presents and displays
its accomplishments on one or all six types of involvement and
shares its best practices with other educators and parents. Problems are
discussed and ideas are shared about improvements, additions, and continuations
for the next year.
Each year, the action team updates the school’s Three-Year Outline and
develops a detailed One-Year Action Plan for the coming year’s work. It is
important for educators, families, students, and the community at large to
be aware of annual progress, new plans, and how they can help.
In short, the action team addresses the following questions. How can it
ensure that the program of school, family, and community partnerships
will continue to improve its structure, processes, and practices to increase
the number of families who are partners with the school in their children’s
education? What opportunities will teachers, parents, and students have to share information on successful practices and to strengthen and maintain
their efforts?