After dissolution of Soviet Union, this became the sole super power by default in contrast regional security in Asia Pacific became uncertain. Security cooperation included the ASEAN way and the Treaty of Amity and cooperation in Southeast Asia. US commitment to the region was not clear especially after withdrawal of American military the mean of this there was the rise of China. At the same time the rising of regional interdependence not be sufficient in a certain environment. This issue could have more flexible and informal arrangement this seem like ASEAN which had actually been conducting meetings with partner what called THE POST MINISTERIAL CONFERENCE but ASEAN was not consider being a threat to anyone unlike major power. In 1994 ARF was born and ASEAN was able to stay in the driver's seat of ARF to measure China to be paramount importance in the light of its rapid rise and importance in Asia Pacific region and economic linking its sub region with rest of Asia Pacific so US is one the top economic in ASA when US was having problem in worry about American interest ASEAN will play a role in structuring of the Asia Pacific security architecture and don't want to dominated by major player but continue stabilizing role in Asia Pacific. ARF would take a gradual evolutionary approach to security cooperation in promotion of CBMs, development of PD mechanisms to promote security cooperation at a peace comfortable. ARF is under the influence of ASEAN in security cooperation term. The ARF the official track are support by the council for security cooperation in Asia Pacific (CSCAP) and support by track two organizations.