TempTestr IR, Lesman Instrument Co., Bensenville, Ill., USA) at the end
of IR heating for each fruit at four locations: two sides, blossom end,
and stem end. The average temperature of ten fruits is reported for
different peeling times.
2.5. Biomechanical properties of tomato skins
To determine the impact of IR heating on tomato skin, changes in
biomechanical properties of tomato skin before and after IR heating
were investigated using two mechanical tests, the skin adhesive test
and the uni-axial tensile test of failure. The former test quantified the
degree of peel loosening induced by IR heating, and the latter test
reveals the mechanical behavior of tomato skin after IR heating. Comparisons
were carried out on fresh tomatoes and the tomatoes subjected
to 60 s IR heating for the two tomato cultivars. The average values of 10
fruits for each treatment are reported with outliers removed.