The Project Information System Subject Ban Nong Khao Nua Saving Group to Self-Reliance Management System Huai Poo Ling Tumbon, Muang District, Mae Hong Son Province. With the aim to develop a management system of saving group. Enhance information management. And the work of the officers involved. Be able to work even more quickly and easily. Reduce duplication of data. Increase the accuracy in practice more and more. And to increase efficiency in the use of the user. To reduce the data storage with the document. Prevent the loss of data. From analysis and design by writing a diagram showing the flow of information (Data Flow Diagram: DFD) and Relationship Model (ER-Diagram). Divide the users into 5 sections, include member, financial officer, General officers (administrators), Loan officer and group savings Committee with PHP, HTML, Javascript, language, CSS and MySQL database system. Results from the study in order to bring the system to use and evaluation of satisfaction from sampling answer questionnaires 10 people. It found that the overall evaluation of the management system of the savings group, The satisfaction is in the good level by have the average equal to 3.7 standard deviation equal to 0.79 results in a conclusion that such a system actually works as intended and meet the needs of the user.
Keywords: Saving Group, management, system.