Ratings of Perceived Exertion have been examined thoroughly in hot and cold
environmental conditions. However, thermal sensation lacks extended evaluation. The
purpose of this study was to determine the reliability and validity of the OMNI
Temperature Sensation Scale (OTSS) compared to the Rohles Thermal Scale (RTS)
during bouts of physical activity in a hot environment. Perceptual and physiological
responses during prolonged bouts of exercise were examined in college aged men (N =
12) performing continuous exercise on a treadmill at 50% of each participants VO"max.
Participants performed a preliminary trial to determine 50% V02max workload, then
participated in four exercise trials in a hot and humid environment of 35°C and a relative
humidity of 45-55%. Data included thermal sensation scores from the OTTS and the
Rohles Thermal Scale (RTS), core temperature values, and heart rate values. Pearson r
correlations determined there was a positive linear relationship between the OTSS and
the RTS. The findings from this study were statistically significant establishing the
validity (r = .77; p < .0001) (CI = .71 to .84)_and reliability (r=M;p< .0001) (CI = .75
to .87) of the OTSS. However, the correlations that were established were expected due
to the constrained variance of the scales. It was determined that the OTSS should not be
used as a predictor of core temperature and heart rate and should only be used for general
purposes due to the constrained variance.
Key Words. Ratings of perceived exertion, thermal sensation, heat, humidity, core
temperature, heart rate.
ABSTRACTRatings of Perceived Exertion have been examined thoroughly in hot and coldenvironmental conditions. However, thermal sensation lacks extended evaluation. Thepurpose of this study was to determine the reliability and validity of the OMNITemperature Sensation Scale (OTSS) compared to the Rohles Thermal Scale (RTS)during bouts of physical activity in a hot environment. Perceptual and physiologicalresponses during prolonged bouts of exercise were examined in college aged men (N =12) performing continuous exercise on a treadmill at 50% of each participants VO"max.Participants performed a preliminary trial to determine 50% V02max workload, thenparticipated in four exercise trials in a hot and humid environment of 35°C and a relativehumidity of 45-55%. Data included thermal sensation scores from the OTTS and theRohles Thermal Scale (RTS), core temperature values, and heart rate values. Pearson rcorrelations determined there was a positive linear relationship between the OTSS andthe RTS. The findings from this study were statistically significant establishing thevalidity (r = .77; p < .0001) (CI = .71 to .84)_and reliability (r=M;p< .0001) (CI = .75to .87) of the OTSS. However, the correlations that were established were expected dueto the constrained variance of the scales. It was determined that the OTSS should not beused as a predictor of core temperature and heart rate and should only be used for generalpurposes due to the constrained variance.Key Words. Ratings of perceived exertion, thermal sensation, heat, humidity, coretemperature, heart rate.
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