1. What is the difference between data, information, and knowledge?
a. Data are the raw bits and pieces of facts and statistics with no context. Data can be quantitative or qualitative. Information is data that has been given context. Knowledge is information that has been aggregated and analyzed and can be used for making decisions.
2. Explain in your own words how the data component relates to the hardware and software
components of information systems.
a. There are numerous answers to this question, but all should be variations on the following: Data is processed by the hardware via software. A database is software that runs on the hardware. Hardware stores the data, software processes the data.
3. What is the difference between quantitative data and qualitative data? In what situations could the number 42 be considered qualitative data?
a. Quantitative data is numeric, the result of a measurement, count, or some other mathematical
calculation. Qualitative data is descriptive. The number 42 could be qualitative if it is a designation instead of a measurement, count, or calculation. For example: that player’s jersey has number 42 on it.
4. What are the characteristics of a relational database?
a. A relational database is one in which data is organized into one or more tables. Each table has a set of fields, which define the nature of the data stored in the table. A record is one instance of a set of fields in a table. All the tables are related by one or more fields in common.