3.3 New Boundaries of uEDM
Micromachining is facing new challenges with the constantly growing demand for smaller, more accurate structures in new, emerging materials.
Electro discharge machining has the potential to fulfill those needs in hard to machine materials.
The application of hybrid processes to enhance stability by influencing the flushing and discharge gap state has shown great potential in the machining of conducting materials.
Ultrasonic superposition excels at stabilising and thus accelerating the uEDM of very deep, precise structures.
With the integration of the assisting electrode method, materials considered to be very hard to machine, such as engineered and biocompatible ceramics, have become available for new applications that require geometries and aspect ratios that the existing processes cannot deliver.
Combining the two approaches, new possibilities for the design and manufacture of complex, high-accuracy micro parts in high-performance engineering materials can be utilised.