Hi there Nradee...I say your message on skype ,it was a soundmessage but I didn,t hear it properly, but we can try again on skype oké!,I,m home about 18.00.hours netherland time, than it is midnight in bangkok right, what time you get wake up dear, ? I go to my work at 6.30 hour duch time, then its about noon in bangkok, I work hole day for 9 hours, then I come home, but thats to late for you to get us contact, but in weekends we can always go on skype , and then I wil call you aswell oké? I get many mails to anwser al from woman whit addet on asiandating, but I,m not interestet in al those woman! I want to go on whit you Nradee my dear, thats what my feelings telling me, if I look at your foto,s it tell me a lot, you are the right woman, and yes once we will met ,just what you have predicted! I,m very sorry to hear about the lost of your parents, but you have two sisters as well, I have my parents in whit me and they are in a good healt, but they are old, I have also a sister and a twinbrother, but they are living in an other city, I don,t see them very oft, but thats oké to me, when we are togetter here in holland you will met them for shure! when we get allong togheter, and become friends or more like lovers I mean, then we have to move on to the next level, I want you to come here to my place here in the netherlands, but First I can come to you in bangkok ofcorse, I know there is a long way to go, but we have to start some where don,t we. My intention is indeed to find the love of my life, and to get old whit, I,m devorced also for a year and it was a hard lesson I learnd, for the last trhee years we didn,t love each other anymore, the talking was over, so as the lovelife was, but we never did cheating or fighting to each ,so whe decided to start a new life and seperated, now ,both we doing better , it was a good decicion to get devorced, what can I say more to you my dearwhen we shoose for eachother you become my princes, and that,s not a dream, that,s what I want, a woman who I can tread whit respect and all the love I can give, I,m not a dreamer, but just a average guy, I,m quit, got sense of humor and I,m gentle and teneder, I can cook diner, doing al the work in the house ,I have to, but I,m doing very wel and very clean.I have also my hobby, play a little guitar like to hear music ofcorse, going for a ride whit my car (bmw), painting the house and things like that! do you have also freetime spending dear, maybe shopping in the city..please tell me your interests, I like to now all about you and more, what you like to eat , what you like to hear I wanna know all about it hony...so I have to go to bed now, I will tell you more about my country the Netherlands (holland) oke dear!
be safe there in bangkok and sleep well
greets and kiss from Eldo