Many times people don’t believe in grace because they can’t fathom how on earth can you produce results if you are living at rest and expect God to work it all. I mean, don’t we have to do something to help ourselves in order to get results out?
This is especially true in terms of overcoming bad habits or inclinations. Let’s take for example the inclination for pornography. There are people who think grace gives the license to sin because we depend all on God and there is no responsibility on our part to fulfil; which gives people the excuse to sin even more since the affected people can just choose an easy way out for an excuse.
How wrong they are at these notions! I personally went under the habit of pornography at a young age and I had never wanted to stay in the habit just because I am under grace! In fact, no matter what kind of mistakes I made, if I had made mistakes that I am aware of, I sometimes will get on my knees before the Lord to thank Him for His Blood for the forgiveness of sins, knowing full well how utterly weak and impoverished I am without His Help.
God’s grace does not give me the license to sin. His grace shows me how good He is, how needful and needy am I towards Him. From this dependance upon Him, I know I triumph over everything that comes against me, even my own foolishness or difficult situations, all because Jesus is for me and with me.
There are a few mistakes people believe wrong about grace: