Two important issues that have been addressed in the literature related to personalized IR concern user privacy and the evaluation of the effectiveness of personalized approaches to IR. We start by shortly discussing the privacy issue.
As it has been synthetically discussed in the previous sections, the approaches to personalization strongly rely on user related and user personal information, with the obvious consequent need of preserving users’ privacy. In [25,41] very interesting and exhaustive analysis of the privacy issue are presented. As well outlined in these contributions, the user is not incline to make the information that concerns his/her private life available to a centralized system, with the main consequence that often users prefer not to use the personalization facilities. As suggested by the authors, a feasible solution to the privacy issue problem is to design client-side applications.
Systems evaluation is a fundamental activity related to the IR task. The usual approach to evaluate the effectiveness of IRSs is based on the Cranfield paradigm, which is the basic approach undertaken by the TREC (Text Retrieval) Conferences [48]. However, as well outlined in [6], the Cranfield paradigm is not able to accommodate the inherent interaction of users with information systems. The Cranfield evaluation paradigm is in fact based on document relevance assessment on single search results, not suited to interactive information seeking and personalized IR, as it assumes that users are well represented by their queries, and the user’s context is ignored. In [36] a good overview of the problem of evaluating the effectiveness of approaches to personalized search is presented. The evaluation of systems that support a personalized access to information encompasses two main aspects, related to the components which play a main role in these systems, i.e. the user model and the personalized search processes. To evaluate a user profile means to assess its quality properties, such as accuracy. With respect to the evaluation of systems’ effectiveness, the authors outline in [36] three main approaches undertaken to set up a suited evaluation setting for personalized systems; by the first approach, an attempt to extend the laboratory-based approach to account for the existence of contextual factors were proposed within TREC [5,18]. By the second approach a simulation-based evaluation methodology has been proposed, based on searchers simulations [42]. By the third approach, the one which is most extensively adopted, user-centered evaluations are defined, based on user studies, with the involvement of real users who undertake qualitative system’s evaluations [24]. Evaluation is a quite important issue that deserves special attention, and which still needs important efforts to be applied to context-based IR applications.