• Reviewed our internal controls and risk management
processes including the Major Risk Review, a Risk
Management Effectiveness Review and updates on
our global insurance programme.
• Discussed the composition and succession planning of the
Board and its Committees and approved Dale Morrison
becoming Senior Independent Non-Executive Director,
Ian Dyson becoming Chairman of the Audit Committee and
the appointment of Jo Harlow as a new Non-Executive Director.
• Reviewed the externally conducted 2013 Board performance
evaluation and agreed the action plan for 2014.
• Considered the performance of each of the Board Committees,
concluding each remained effective and reviewed each of their
terms of reference, updating these as required.
• Received updates on the deliberations of each of the Board
Committees (see each of their reports on their key activities
and priorities during 2014).
• Updated on upcoming legislative and regulatory changes
affecting our business and the Board and its Committees across
areas including corporate reporting, governance guidelines,
and institutional investor reports.