3.2 three residential element methane reactor components of archaeal community classification for the type and level of the currency is derived from the difference in the sam (Fig .. 5) Ukraine is methane (type Crenarchaeota) are. usually detected in the ad. In spite of the relatively low But plenty I1 in this study in order to savor each category. Euryarchaeota (Figure 5a.) The difference between this and the previous one, which may be explained by material and sludge in order to extract the different phyla. Crenarchaeota The sludge found in the seeds used in this study. In addition, funds to change the composition of methane in the Run Run VV has a population of very low birth because archaeal (1.51% of grains) (Table 3) and stop methano- (Table 2 Three words. The order archaeal. detected during digestion Methanosarcinales (MSL acetoclastic methanogen) Methanobacteriales (MBT: methanogen). And Methanomicrobiales (MMB hydrogenotrophic methanogen).