how people gain the power to choose their own way of life, of liberty
and the pursuit of happiness. In the Princess Mother’s vision, the
nature of the Earth, even in the deforested Doi Tung hills, was
the solution, not the problem. An economic forest could become
the alternative to illicit crops.
Every morning at sunrise, when today’s Doi Tung mothers give a
good breakfast to their children, they do not think of Copernicus’
discovery that “bad money drives out good”. At sunset, nobody
remembers Galileo’s explanation on how the Sun is at the centre
of our solar system. The Doi Tung people - and the peoples
of the other countries where the same development model is
being replicated - do not care much about the first Copernican
revolution. Rather, they think and are grateful to their Mae Fah
Luang- inspired evolution.
So yes, a second Copernican revolution has started in Doi
Tung and in all the villages of the world where people have
discovered the power of their own human dignity. It will last
for many more generations.
So to close, I know you too will enjoy your own "total immersion” in
this great and successful story of a human struggle for sustainable
In 2015, five hundred years after the discovery of the solar-centred
system, a new generation of people at Doi Tung are energized by
an equally revolutionary people-centred sustainable livelihood.
Do you feel the emotions, the passion, and the heat of a so infinite
and renewable energy for the whole humankind?
how people gain the power to choose their own way of life, of libertyand the pursuit of happiness. In the Princess Mother’s vision, thenature of the Earth, even in the deforested Doi Tung hills, wasthe solution, not the problem. An economic forest could becomethe alternative to illicit crops.Every morning at sunrise, when today’s Doi Tung mothers give agood breakfast to their children, they do not think of Copernicus’discovery that “bad money drives out good”. At sunset, nobodyremembers Galileo’s explanation on how the Sun is at the centreof our solar system. The Doi Tung people - and the peoplesof the other countries where the same development model isbeing replicated - do not care much about the first Copernicanrevolution. Rather, they think and are grateful to their Mae FahLuang- inspired evolution.So yes, a second Copernican revolution has started in DoiTung and in all the villages of the world where people havediscovered the power of their own human dignity. It will lastfor many more generations.So to close, I know you too will enjoy your own "total immersion” inthis great and successful story of a human struggle for sustainabledevelopment.In 2015, five hundred years after the discovery of the solar-centredsystem, a new generation of people at Doi Tung are energized byan equally revolutionary people-centred sustainable livelihood.Do you feel the emotions, the passion, and the heat of a so infiniteand renewable energy for the whole humankind?
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