The Fastest Man on No Leg
1 As South African runner Oscar Pistorius steps onto the track for a race, no one can avoid looking at his legs. They are not the usual athlete's at legs, with strong,tight muscles. His legs are shiny, black, and shaped like the letter J. Instead of muscles, he has prosthetic legs made of special materials. With these legs, Pistorius is becoming one of the fastest runners on earth. Pistorius is the winner of many competitions for disabled athletes, but he also wants to compete against able-bodied athletes. Including him in races against able-bodied runners is controversial.
2 When Pistorius was born in 1986, he had no legs below his knees. He has had artificial legs since childhood, but this never stopped him from doing many different sports. Pistorius began competing as a runner in 2004. Each year, his prosthetic legs were lighter and better, and each year, he was able to run faster and faster. One of the keys to his success is his preparation and hard work. Th other key to his success is his prosthetic legs which are the most advance in the world.
3 Pistorius dreamed of running in the 2008 Olympic Games, but in 2007,officials decided that he could not compete. They said that the Olympic Games ban the use of anything that gives a person an advantage over another athlete not using similar equipment. They believed that his prosthetic legs gave him an unfair advantage over able-bodied athletes. They argued that his legs were longer than the average person's legs and much lighter. Some experts believe that his prosthetic legs give him additional power.
4 Pistorius protested the decision. He wanted disabled athletes to be able to compete fairly against able-bodied athlete. In May 2008, after additional tests on his legs, officials approved his Olympic application. They said that his prosthetic legs did not give him an advantage. Tests showed that most of his energy and power come from his upper body, not his legs. Unfortunately, Pistorius wasn't fast enough in the trials, and he didn't compete in the 2008 Olympic Games in August.
5 Since then, Pistorius has continued to train for future Olympic Games. He has competed successfully in international running competitions against able-bodied athletes. For now, the rules allow him to compete against able-bodied runners. Officials have decided that he does not have an unfair adfair advantage. However, as technology gives disabled athletes better prosthetic legs, arms, and and hands, question about unfair advantages will continue.
Manungsa paling cepet ing Ora Leg
1 Minangka runner Afrika Selatan Oscar Pistorius langkah dhateng trek kanggo lomba, siji ora bisa supaya looking ing sikil. Lagi ora biasanipun atlet kang ing sikil, karo kuwat, Otot nyenyet. Sampéyané mengilap, ireng, lan bentuké kaya huruf J. Tinimbang Otot, wis sikil prosthetic digawe saka bahan khusus. Karo sikil iki, Pistorius wis dadi salah siji saka balapan mlayu cepet ing bumi. Pistorius iku pemenang akeh lomba kanggo atlet dipatèni, nanging uga kepengin kanggo saingan marang atlet bisa-orong. Kalebu wong ing balapan marang balapan mlayu bisa-orong punika kontrovèrsial.
2 Nalika Pistorius lair ing taun 1986, dhèwèké ora sikil ngisor dhengkul. Sampun kagungan sikil Ponggawa wiwit kanak-kanak, nanging iki tau mandegake wong saka mengkono akeh olahraga beda. Pistorius wiwit saingan minangka runner ing taun 2004. Saben taun, sikil prosthetic padha korek lan luwih apik, lan saben taun, piyambakipun saged mbukak luwih cepet lan luwih cepet. Salah sijine tombol kanggo sukses iku preparation lan hard karya. Th tombol kanggo sukses iku sikil prosthetic kang sing paling dienggo ing donya.
3 Pistorius ngimpi mlaku ing Olimpiade 2008, nanging ing taun 2007, pejabat mutusaké kang ora bisa saingan. Bilih Olympic Games ban nggunakake tindakan sing menehi wong lan kauntungan liwat atlet liyane ora nggunakake peralatan padha. Padha pracaya sing sikil prosthetic marang wong sing ora adil kauntungan liwat atlet bisa-orong. Padha ndhukung sing sikil padha maneh saka sikil wong saben lan luwih entheng. Sawetara ahli sing pracaya sikil prosthetic kang menehi wong daya tambahan.
4 Pistorius Bapakmu kaputusan. Panjenenganipun Wanted dipatèni atlet kanggo bisa saingan nyedhaki marang atlet bisa-orong. Ing Mei 2008, sawise tes tambahan sikil, pejabat disetujoni aplikasi Olympic kang. Bilih sikil prosthetic durung menehi wong lan kauntungan. Tes nuduhake sing paling saka energi lan daya kang teka saka ndhuwur awak, ora sikil. Sayange, Pistorius ora cepet cukup ing trials, lan iya ora saingan ing Olimpiade 2008 ing Agustus.
5 Wiwit, Pistorius wis terus kanggo olahraga mangsa Olympic Games. Sampun kompetisi kasil ing lomba mlaku internasional marang atlet bisa-orong. Kanggo saiki, aturan ngidini wong saingan marang balapan mlayu bisa-orong. Pejabat wis mutusaké sing ora duwe kauntungan adfair adil. Nanging, teknologi menehi atlit dipatèni prosthetic luwih sikil, tangan, lan tangan, question about kaluwihan adil bakal terus.
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