How are you doing? I have browsed through the profiles, and your one caught my eye. You are very good looking if I may say so. What do you do for a living on Samui island? I have been there 2 years ago. I have stayed at the Ark Bar and I have just fallen in love with thailand. I just love samui island. You have the most beautiful beaches and island life.
I am coming to Bangkok & samui again in Feb next year. I really am thinking about moving to thailand. So that is why I want to come check out the island to make sure. So maybe we can start chatting, and meet up when I am there. Would you like that?
Please let me know. My email is dronknico@yahoo.co.uk
My skype is bicnic63. Do you have skype? Then we can start chatting via skype.
So please let me know.
you must have a lovely day. Looking forward to hearing from you again.
Take care,