first day of university
The first day of university can be both Exciting and nerve-racking. If you're nervous,don't worry; most other people will be too! You are going to a new place with people you haven't met before , and it is all new territory.
Most first days will follow the same kind of structure, so to give you a kind of heads up on what you will be doing, read on...
Firstly, to get there in the first place, make sure you have printed off a copy of where your campus is located, and how to get to your college accommodation. When you park up, there will probably be some friendly students hanging around in similar colored t-shirts; these will be representatives from your college, who are there to sign you in, and give you your room keys. You'll have to give your name and sign a few forms, and then someone will show you to your new digs. At this point, don't try and lug all your stuff to your room. Wait until you know where it is, and then come back for it later.
After showing you to your room, the guide will leave you to it so start bringing all you gear up to to your room. Unless you fancy a bit of help from the folks, they might suggest coming back after you've unpacked. Although if you aren't the unpacking sort, your mums offer might be taken up. At this point, gradually other people will be arriving too, so don't worry about having to rush out to meet people just yet.
As you are unpacking, leave your door open! It is a great way for other new people on your floor to say hello as they are passing, or to wander in and offer you a cuppa if they've already unpacked.