4. Conclusions
We developed a novel method based on GCeMS/MS and
HPLCeMS/MS for simultaneous determination of 68 contaminants
in paper FCM. The sample preparation process based on QuEChERS
approach provides acceptable recoveries and RSDs for most of
phthalates, PAH, photoinitiators, bisphenols and PFC. LOQs were
sometimes affected by the presence of the target compounds in the
laboratory environment but, at the same time, low enough to allow
quantification of 56 of the target compounds in 15 real samples.
Our results show that paper FCM are frequently contaminated by
complex “chemical cocktails”, which represent a potential health
risk for consumers and make paper FCM worthy of control. The
method presented here perfectly suits this task, because it offers a
cost effective and high throughput alternative to implementing
several methods with a limited scope.
This study was funded by the Internal Grant Agency of the
Ministry of Health of the Czech Republic (NT 14375-3/2013).