A worker assignment for machine cluster in the
manufacturing cell was discussed in this paper. The
objective of this paper is two folds. First, it aims to
demonstrate a calculation of the maximum number of
machines which one worker can optimally operate without
an idle time on the machine. Then, the simulation software
program is utilized to evaluate various proposed
improvement alternatives based on maximum machine
efficiency criteria. In this study one of the hard disk drive
manufacturers in Thailand was explored. Previously, one
worker was assigned to service eight semi-automated
machines in the cluster. The main tasks of the worker were
loading, checking and recording. Due to the fact that
workload of the worker and the machine cycle is not
balanced so the utilization of the worker cannot be
maximized. Therefore, the optimum number of machines
which one worker can ideally service is calculated. It is
found that one worker can optimally serve up to eleven
machines. However, other alternatives are also explored. As
a result, by systematic work elimination, one worker can
service up to fourteen machines per cycle with 96.09%
machine utilization.
A worker assignment for machine cluster in themanufacturing cell was discussed in this paper. Theobjective of this paper is two folds. First, it aims todemonstrate a calculation of the maximum number ofmachines which one worker can optimally operate withoutan idle time on the machine. Then, the simulation softwareprogram is utilized to evaluate various proposedimprovement alternatives based on maximum machineefficiency criteria. In this study one of the hard disk drivemanufacturers in Thailand was explored. Previously, oneworker was assigned to service eight semi-automatedmachines in the cluster. The main tasks of the worker wereloading, checking and recording. Due to the fact thatworkload of the worker and the machine cycle is notbalanced so the utilization of the worker cannot bemaximized. Therefore, the optimum number of machineswhich one worker can ideally service is calculated. It isfound that one worker can optimally serve up to elevenmachines. However, other alternatives are also explored. Asa result, by systematic work elimination, one worker canservice up to fourteen machines per cycle with 96.09%machine utilization.
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