Recently, the mankind has realized that unless environment is protected, he himself will be
threatened by the over consumption of natural resource as well as substantial reduction of
fresh air produced in the world. Conservation of forests and optimal utilization of
agricultural and other renewable resources like solar and wind energies, and recently, tidal
energy have become important topics worldwide. In such concern, the use of renewable
resources such as plant and animal based fibre-reinforce polymeric composites, has been
becoming an important design criterion for designing and manufacturing components for all
industrial products. From the previous several studies, it is clear that there are large varieties
of natural fibres are currently used in different engineering fields. The treatment of these
fibres determines the properties obtained during the application in treatments, the
alkalization treatment is the best suitable for the fibres like sisal, jute and coir. Chemical
modification of natural fibres is necessary for increased adhesion between the hydrophilic
fibres and hydrophobic matrix. The most promising approach seems to be one in which
covalent bonds are formed between the fibre and matrix .Mechanical properties of ukam,
banana, sisal, coconut, hemp and e-glass fibre reinforced laminates were evaluated to assess
the possibility of using it as new material in engineering applications. Ukam and sisal
composites manufactured by hand lay-up process provide an opportunity of replacing
1. INTRODUCTIONRecently, the mankind has realized that unless environment is protected, he himself will bethreatened by the over consumption of natural resource as well as substantial reduction offresh air produced in the world. Conservation of forests and optimal utilization ofagricultural and other renewable resources like solar and wind energies, and recently, tidalenergy have become important topics worldwide. In such concern, the use of renewableresources such as plant and animal based fibre-reinforce polymeric composites, has beenbecoming an important design criterion for designing and manufacturing components for allindustrial products. From the previous several studies, it is clear that there are large varietiesof natural fibres are currently used in different engineering fields. The treatment of thesefibres determines the properties obtained during the application in treatments, thealkalization treatment is the best suitable for the fibres like sisal, jute and coir. Chemicalmodification of natural fibres is necessary for increased adhesion between the hydrophilicfibres and hydrophobic matrix. The most promising approach seems to be one in whichcovalent bonds are formed between the fibre and matrix .Mechanical properties of ukam,banana, sisal, coconut, hemp and e-glass fibre reinforced laminates were evaluated to assessthe possibility of using it as new material in engineering applications. Ukam and sisalcomposites manufactured by hand lay-up process provide an opportunity of replacing
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