Dear valued customer
We’d like to let you know that we have shipped
You order today.
We have carefully packed and safely shipped your order so that it won’t be damaged during transport.
Usually it will take you about 1 to 4 week to receive your order which is sent from Thailand.
You can confirm estimated delivery time of you order in your “My eBay”
The delivery may be delayed on account of any problems during transit or get your order stopped by
The custom. Please understand it.
If you don’t receive the item on time or the item which you received has any problems, please let us know your problem immediately. You can resolve any problems without relying upon eBay.
We are committed to solve your problem.
So could you please don’t OPEN the “CASE” on eBay, if you have any problems.
We sincerely appreciate you business, understanding, cooperation and look forward to you shopping
With us again
Best regards.