Therefore,post-exercise carbohydrate supplements might be beneficial
for preventing EAMD. Energy intake is part of energy availability,which is defined as dietary energy intake minus exercise
energy expenditure. The present study showed that adult female rats without exercise training had an increased energy
intake along normal growth. If the energy availability is below 30 kcal/kg fat free mass per day, functions of reproductive
system and other metabolic systems might be suppressed.21 The reduction of energy intake in EAMD rats in our study is
in consistent with human studies. For example, Tomten and Høstmark found calculated energy intake and total energy
expenditure were in balance in athletes with regular menstruate, while a statistically significant negative energy
balance was found in female athletes with irregular menstrual cycles. As previous studies had shown that disorder of the
HPO axis in female athletes seemed to be rely on the recognition of an energy imbalance in human body, Stafford
considered this pathological phenomenon may be attribute to the lack of compensatory caloric intake confronting with
significant energy expenditure.