The flammable oil was made up of a combination of petrol and crude oil. After the apocalypse, petrol and crude oil were also very valuable resources. The two ambulances that were filled with barrels of petrol and crude oil accounted for 25% of the oil in Longhai survival base camp. Xu Zhenggang had no desire to waste the expensive oil on trying to take control of a granary that he felt was unconquerable.
Yue Zhong looked into Xu Zhenggang eyes and said. “These rats have a leader. I want to take some men to kill this mutant rat leader. 10 minutes. I hope you can lead your men and my men to protect this camp for just 10 minutes. If at the end of 10 mins, I have not returned, you may either choose to lead the men to retreat or continue to wait here.”
Looking at the current situation, if Xu Zhenggang chose to flee the scene, the coalition of various factions and powers in Longhai survival camp will definitely retreat with the military. Once this happens, if Yue Zhong’s men continued to remain in this area and defend the camp, it is certain that they will be annihilated by the mutant rat horde.
Xu Zhenggang might have belonged to a different faction from Yue Zhong, but he was an upright man and a man of his word. If he made a promise to protect the camp, he would die to protect the camp rather than to retreat. It was for this reason that Yue Zhong trusted this man.
Xu Zhenggang glanced at Yue Zhong and carefully considered for a moment. He was well aware of the situation in LongHai survival camp. Only with enough food would there be peace inside the camp. Only with enough food will it allow the survivors in the camp to continue to live. He gritted his teeth before agreeing to Yue Zhong’s request. “All right, I promise you that I will defend this camp for 10 more minutes. But once 10 minutes are up, even if you have not returned, I will led all the men to retreat.”
“Thank you!”
Yue Zhong returned to his camp, and had his men formed a circle, before explaining “I am going to kill the leader that is directing this mutant rat horde. This mission is likely to be a suicide mission, and death is likely. Those who are willing to go with me, step forward. For those who are not willing to risk your lives, I will not force you.”
All his men stepped out without hesitation. This show of support made Yue Zhong very touched.
For this mission, all the men who had followed Yue Zhong had experienced numerous combats with zombies under Yue Zhong’s leadership. Each of them was a hot-blooded man and a mighty evolver. Seeing that their leader Yue Zhong had chosen to put himself in the path of danger instead of being the first to retreat has stirred their hot-blooded feelings. They would follow Yue Zhong to the ends of the world if required!
Yue Zhong was very touched as he addressed his men in a firm voice. “Each one of you are the pride of my team! Ji Qing Wu, please follow me to kill the leader of the rat horde. The rest of you must defend this place for 10 minutes. If after 10 minutes you do not see me returning here, then you are to leave this place. Kong Tianyu will be your temporary leader while I am gone. Remember, you must defend this place for 10 minutes and not leave this place before 10 minutes is up.”
Among all the men who chose to follow Yue Zhong, Ji Qing Wu was the strongest evolver. To attempt to assassinate the leader of the rat horde, he would need the assistance of the strongest men under him. After Ji Qing Wu, Kong Tianyu was the second strongest man in Yue Zhong’s team, and had served him loyally since he joined Yue Zhong’s team in Always Bright village. Therefore he assign Kong Tianyu as his deputy commander in his absence.
Kong Tianyu had a solemn expression as he replied. “Yes! Captain Yue!”
Once he finished his announcement, he immediately chose to activate a special skill of wearing White Bones as an armour. Then he grabbed Ji Qing Wu in his left hand, and fired a piece of bone deep into the ground. Using the extension of bone as an extensible ladder, he vaulted towards the sea of mutant rats.
Once the bone ladder could no longer be extended any further, the two of them dropped into the sea of mutant rats.
The mutant rats immediately attacked these two humans that dared to enter into their mist with a frenzy.
As the two of them dropped into the sea of rats, Ji Qing Wu quickly executed a circular blade dance, and her blade dance decapitated all the mutant rats in a small circle around them. For just 1 or 2 seconds, there were no mutant rats around them. Then the tide of rats continued to pour in.
But the relief of a second or two is more than enough for Yue Zhong to penetrate another bone spike into the ground, and reused his bone ladder technique to launch himself and Ji Qing Wu forward.