Instead, Ragnar—following his big push into Christianity—leapt out of his death box and sliced open the throat of King Charles' bishop, a move that may be more telling than his subsequent knifepoint threat to Charles and Princess Gisla. What was the point of Ragnar murdering the holy man if he was desperately hoping to be admitted into heaven and reunited with Athelstan once his time does come? Surely that has to be negative points in God's eyes. I suppose he might've been upset with the bishop for shaming him when Ragnar asked for the holy bath of baptism, but I'm pretty sure Jesus said some stuff about turning the other cheek, so maybe a few Sunday school classes are in order for Ragnar. The character's fascination with Christianity has been one of the more compelling components of Season 3 (and prior seasons as well), but I'm starting to wonder where it's all headed.
I've always respected Ragnar because he's usually a man of his word; however, that's why his deception of the French was peculiar. It also came at the very end of the season, leaving us to wonder who Ragnar really is. Is he a Christian? Is he an honorable king? Or do we throw all that out the window in the face of his murder of a holy figure and his order to squeeze in one last raid on Paris even after he was paid to leave just because he's a Viking? Ragnar told Bjorn that when Bjorn becomes a leader, he'll need to lead with his head, not his heart. But Ragnar seemed to be follo