• This table presents the results of cross-sectional regression of Tobin’s Q on board variables. The sample size is 245 of all regression models. The sample period is the financial year 2004. Tobin’s Q is measured as market value of equity plus book value of short-term and long-term debt divided by total assets. IND-DIR is measured as a fraction of independent directors on the board GREY-DIR is measured as proportion of grey directors on the board. INS-DIR is measured as a fraction of inside directors on the board. B-SIZE is measured as the number of board members of a firm. ROAt-1 is measured by dividing a lagged one-year period net income before tax by total assets. LgAGE is defined as the logarithm of number of years since firm established. LEVERAGE is defined as total liability divided by total book assets. LgSGROWTH is measured as the logarithm of total sales of current year minus total sales in previous year divided by total sales in previous year. LgSIZE is measured as the logarithm of total assets. Adjusted R2 is an adjusted coeff icient of de termination. All regression models include the industry dummies but these are not reported.*Indicates significance at the 10 per cent level; **indicates significance at the 5 per cent level; ***indicates significance at the 1 per cent level