What is ISO 26000 ?
Published in 2010, International Standard ISO 26000 gives guidance on social
responsibility and is intended for use by organizations of all types and sizes,
in all spheres, in order to assist them in their efforts to operate in the socially
responsible manner that society increasingly demands.
An organization’s performance in relation to the society in which it operates
and to its impact on the environment has become a critical part of measuring
the organization’s overall performance and its ability to continue operating
effectively. As such, and based on international consensus among expert representatives
of the main stakeholder groups, ISO 26000 provides harmonized,
globally relevant guidance on :
• Concepts, terms and definitions related to social responsibility
• Background, trends and characteristics of social responsibility
• Principles and practices relating to social responsibility
• Core subjects and issues of social responsibility
• Integrating, implementing and promoting socially responsible behaviour
throughout the organization and, through its policies and practices,
within its sphere of influence
• Identifying and engaging with stakeholders
• Communicating commitments, performance and other information