Your Price: $32.95
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This product will incur additional shipping costs. A representative will contact you within one (1) business day of receiving your order to provide a freight/parcel quote before finalizing your order.
Surecrete Xtreme GFRC Terrazzo Mix
Xtreme Series Terrazzo Mix offers you complete control of the aggregate contained in the mix. It delivers a “GREEN” solution to concrete fabrication, with a 50-150 % recycled content load. Sand or rock are absent from this mix. Each bag requires two (2) gallons of modifier.
Choosing Your Aggregates:
•If using sand or a #1 aggregate (⅛” - ¼”), a ratio of one part sand to one part Terrazzo mix should be followed. Up to 50 lbs. of sand may be added.
•If using #1 (⅛” - ¼”) aggregate or greater, you may load the mix with up to an additional 80 lbs. of aggregate.
•20% of the total aggregate load must be fines (smaller than #1).
•Up to 40 oz.'s of additional water may be needed per bag if mix seems too thick. When using porous aggregates such as granite or natural stone more water may be needed because the aggregate will wick moisture out of the mix. In some cases soaking the aggregate in water before use is helpful.
Caution With Aggregates
•Avoid using aggregates that are weak, flaky or not dense enough to be ground, such as: micas, shale and other soft aggregates. The use of these type of aggregates, will “wallow” out rather than polish, during the grinding process. The result will be an area that has slurry in it rather than aggregate.
•Ferrous aggregates may look beautiful for a time, however, without proper surface sealing, may rust.
Pour into a 7-10 gallon pail or larger, (2) gallons of Xtreme Series PreCast Modifier. Make sure NO white residue is left in the modifier container. Mix modifier thoroughly. Add if desired, color agents to the modifier and mix thoroughly. Mix (1) bag of Xtreme Series Terrazzo and mechanically mix. Introduce the needed aggregate while mixing. After last aggregate is added, mix thoroughly for at least 5 minutes. Mix should approximate the consistency of oatmeal. Up to 40 oz’s of additional water may be needed per bag if mix seems too thick.
When using porous aggregates such as granite or natural stone more water may be needed because the aggregate will wick moisture out of the mix. In some cases soaking the aggregate in water before use is helpful. Additional Points Larger projects may require multiple mixes. A tumble concrete mixer may be utilized, but it must be of adequate size to allow combined ingredients to “fall” inside mixer.
Your Price: $32.95
Additional Shipping Charges:
This product will incur additional shipping costs. A representative will contact you within one (1) business day of receiving your order to provide a freight/parcel quote before finalizing your order.
Surecrete Xtreme GFRC Terrazzo Mix
Xtreme Series Terrazzo Mix offers you complete control of the aggregate contained in the mix. It delivers a “GREEN” solution to concrete fabrication, with a 50-150 % recycled content load. Sand or rock are absent from this mix. Each bag requires two (2) gallons of modifier.
Choosing Your Aggregates:
•If using sand or a #1 aggregate (⅛” - ¼”), a ratio of one part sand to one part Terrazzo mix should be followed. Up to 50 lbs. of sand may be added.
•If using #1 (⅛” - ¼”) aggregate or greater, you may load the mix with up to an additional 80 lbs. of aggregate.
•20% of the total aggregate load must be fines (smaller than #1).
•Up to 40 oz.'s of additional water may be needed per bag if mix seems too thick. When using porous aggregates such as granite or natural stone more water may be needed because the aggregate will wick moisture out of the mix. In some cases soaking the aggregate in water before use is helpful.
Caution With Aggregates
•Avoid using aggregates that are weak, flaky or not dense enough to be ground, such as: micas, shale and other soft aggregates. The use of these type of aggregates, will “wallow” out rather than polish, during the grinding process. The result will be an area that has slurry in it rather than aggregate.
•Ferrous aggregates may look beautiful for a time, however, without proper surface sealing, may rust.
Pour into a 7-10 gallon pail or larger, (2) gallons of Xtreme Series PreCast Modifier. Make sure NO white residue is left in the modifier container. Mix modifier thoroughly. Add if desired, color agents to the modifier and mix thoroughly. Mix (1) bag of Xtreme Series Terrazzo and mechanically mix. Introduce the needed aggregate while mixing. After last aggregate is added, mix thoroughly for at least 5 minutes. Mix should approximate the consistency of oatmeal. Up to 40 oz’s of additional water may be needed per bag if mix seems too thick.
When using porous aggregates such as granite or natural stone more water may be needed because the aggregate will wick moisture out of the mix. In some cases soaking the aggregate in water before use is helpful. Additional Points Larger projects may require multiple mixes. A tumble concrete mixer may be utilized, but it must be of adequate size to allow combined ingredients to “fall” inside mixer.