The small cars took us to a small bus-change station and this was where I discovered my Bags had been tampered with and discovered the loss of my cash. The Lady in charge tried to hush me up; “ Please don’t frighten the other passengers, come in to my office, I will help you”. I told her to call the POLICE. Which she did with a lot of hesitation and when the police came this lady disappeared. I reported the whole incident and wrote my report on an official paper given to me by the Tourist Police officers. There were three of them and their Names are : MR. Onuma Thumonphom ( Civilian Tourist Police T-Shirt )
MR. S. Surchar Tel . Numbers given to me were: 098-262 7046
077-200037 and 084 – 745 1704 (This was the number the Patong Beach
Police officer made contact with them)