After applying the mentioned approach (demand and supply), the model must be assessed using measurement
datasets, both for public and private transport systems. Measurements refer to number of PT passengers on links (as
a total volume and volume for each PT line) as well as to traffic volume, traffic composition and turns on junctions
for private transport. A common approach is to verify correlation between measured and modeled volumes as well
as assessment of GEH factor (DMRB, 1996).
the model verification quite often requires a more detailed approach
such as comparison of trip length and duration distribution or compliance between measured and respective modeled
values for particular screenlines (Schiffer and Rossi, 2009). Measurement datasets are the basis for further model
calibration and provides information about its quality (Szarata, 2011).
Supply and demand model are developed in parallel. On the one hand data to develop supply model is widely
available, also from on-line and free of charge resource. On the other, to obtain a reliable demand model the most
important part is data collection. Exceptionally important are interviews with the residents (household travel
surveys). These are the basis for mathematical description of the trip patterns in the analyzed area. The quality of
trip patterns model is highly depended on the sample size of household travel survey. Additionally, sample size
depends on analyzed area size (HTM 2005). Within the proposed study the provision of a different sampling
procedure for the travel survey is assumed which leads to a significant decrease in the total costs of the survey