I think selfies are good because people can take selfies anywhere. I love taking selfies of me and with friends,than If I like a photo what we take I post this photo on facebook or instagram,I think the best cameras for taking selfies are retrica and camwow (on my phone),I like RETRICA,because retrica has got more effects than other cameras for selfies.I like instagram effects too.
he esperienced the same thing as you,my account in Facebook is full of selfie as well and i think it's a great idea when selfie and charity work together.
think selfies are good because you can take selfies of your own or with your friends. You can also put them on websites like: facebook, twitter, or even instagram. More people are taking selfies with their phone than with their computers because its easier and better. I really like to do selfies on my phone on app witch is called 'Retrica' or 'cam wow'. Later when selfie is good im putting this on facebook and instagram.