and stored at 0-1°C and 90-95% RH. The fruits were analyzed for
various physiological and biochemical parameters at 30, 45, 60
and 75 days interval during storage. The physiological loss in
weight (PLW) of the fruit was calculated on initial weight
basis and expressed in per cent. The core browning of fruit was
observed after cutting the fruits in two halves and the number of
infected fruits were observed on each sampling date and expressed
in per cent. The firmness of the fruit was measured with Effegi
penetrometer (Model FT-327) with plunger (diameter 8 mm) and
expressed in terms of lb force. The total soluble solids (TSS) of
the fruit were measured with hand refractometer (Model: Erma
Japan) with correction at 20°C. The results were expressed in
°Brix. The total sugars and titratable acidity were measured as per
standard AOAC 4 procedures. There were three replications for
each treatment and each replication was comprised of 10 kilograms
of fruits. For periodic analysis, a representative sample of ten
fruits from each replication was used. The experiment was laid out
in completely randomized block design.