And he wasn't wrong, as though dungeon of Basra was highly popular among players, it was rare for them to hunt on 4th level. Monsters, inhabiting it were to strong, with levels from 240 and higher.
Trembling in fear and barely moving his feet Zephyr didn't have a choice but to slowly follow Weed in hope that things will somehow work out.
"Amen! Why did i even come back! I could be relaxing at home right now..." - thought Hwaryung.
"If we die here, we'll lose all the items... We're crazy to come here without a priest or paladins..."
Hwaryung and Zephyr could barely hold back their fear and anger. Weed's behavior was confusing them. Even on 3rd floor hunting was hard enough, but he dragged them to the 4th!
Therefore they falling behind confidently pacing Weed and dark knight.
- Let's check his bag!
- And turn out his pockets!
- And raise a level! We need more power for new revolt!
A group of thief-monsters jumped out from behind the corner. They were equipped in iron armor and were carrying swords. Not sparing any more words thieves of Basra started their attack.
- Power of Darkness! - yelled Van Hawk and rushed into the fight.
Death knight were quite adept with dark magic. The spell he just used significantly increased weapon damage and defense of armor.
- Deadly Blade!
Van Hawk directed accumulated in his blade dark energy towards the oncoming thieves. His weapon greatly darkened and a few moments later it let out thousands of finest threads, which struck attacking enemies in the chest.
Thieves collapsed to the floor.
Zephyr and Hwaryung were astounded.
"That's what level 290 monsters look like? How does Weed even control such a beast?"
At that moment the realized that Weed isn't just another ordinary player, and that it is really possible to hunt in dungeon of Basra with just 4 people. Weed's words weren't just bragging any more.
Meanwhile Weed himself was surprised not less than his friends.
"Wow, when did he become so powerful?"
Weed could only remember him beating the knight and improving his own skills. And he was extremely surprised to see his minion in a different light. Death knight managed to beat four enemies with a single strike. Even though it was partially due to his dark nature, which increased damage to non-undead enemies.
"Crimson amulet of life... the item, in which the death knight Van Hawk was eternally trapped. Furthermore, he had another, black, amulet with Lord Tori in it inside his backpack... Was that really a reward? Or just some cunning way for NPC to increase its level before breaking out of..."
Suddenly Weed forgot about everything, jumped forward and dropped the hilt of his sword on the head of Van Hawk, who lifted his sword to finish defeated enemies.
- I command! Do not to kill them. Just disable, we'll finish them ourselves.
- Understood. Master. - Abruptly roared Van Hawk in Weed's face.
Because of significant increase in level death knight could feel his growing power and wasn't so content with receiving orders from 'lowbie' Weed.
"That jerk is talking back to me. I haven't taught him enough..."
Weed noted to self to teach a lesson to Van Hawk later, but for now he headed into battle:
- Sculpting blade!
He couldn't imagine himself without that technique! With his blade shining blue Weed was rushing between enemies dealing multiple blows.
- Die!
- Money! Give me your money!
His opponents' swords were passing dangerously close to Weed. Because of dodging and parrying he managed not to get any wounds. Though from aside he looked like he have given up on his life.
"Here... this is more fun..."
The thrill of being completely surrounded by enemies. Your heartbeat quickens, you start to perceive you opponents' breath and movements. Intoxicating sensation of your own might fills you with overflowing happiness and you feel like you can conquer the world. A game like this will never become boring!
Weed thought about Swords.
In the school Hyun only was taught basic skills, so the art of the sword he had to learn by himself, in the game. However lately he's been coming to the dojo to learn from the master of the sword himself. An Hyon-Do wasn't an ordinary man, so his lessons weren't ordinary as well.
- This is a Sword.
In the hands of his teacher sword was drawing graceful and smooth curves. It was hard to believe that someone could handle the sword like that. This was an art of a real master, who was creating another masterpiece.
"This really is a Sword." - thought Hyun, watching in fascination.
However, as if reacting to his thoughts, the pattern started to change. Now it was a prowling predator, or an eagle, falling from the sky, or... Then, in front of the predator the Fort Odein appeared.
"No, not Odein, but something solid, significant..."
Something thicker and taller than Fort's walls blocked predator's path. The obstacle was in his way, and without a second thought the beast lunged forward and tore it apart and rushed ahead.
- Sword... It is harder to master than a gun, but by doing it you become stronger. Death, decease and other hardships no longer bother you. I became free after I mastered the sword.
Lee Hyun learned a lot from An Hyon-Do. He entirely changed his attitude towards sword, learned to properly breath, move and take care of his weapon. He became stronger.
Even though his life wasn't easy before he started going to the dojo. Absence of parents, debts and constant fights with bullies. Hyun could violently assault anyone in attempts to defend every precious memory of his parents. And that strengthened his spirit, he would never back out of a fight. However watching the skill of his teacher, Hyun started to realize that only god knew if there's a limit to mastery of a sword.
Every thief-monster was a lot stronger, than death knights of Lavias. In the fight with the knights he only had to watch the front, but now he didn't have the right to miss anything happening at his sides or his back.
"Woah, fights grow more and more entertaining..."
Weed avoided a long stab from the side and lunged forward.
His hands were flying around him, parrying and striking at the same time.