Pbm. 5.7 Oil of specific gravity 0.8 flows smoothly through the circular reducing section shownbelow at 3 ft3/sec. If the entering and leaving velocity profiles are uniform, estimate the forcewhich must be applied to the reducer to hold it in place. (Ans: 5238 lbf)Pbm. 6.25: In the above problem,what is the head loss between section 1 and 2? (Ans: 18 ft)0. 1. A pipe of diameter D is used for pumping an incompressible fluid (eg water) at velocity V1.Suddenly it is closed by a valve and pressure builds up in the pipe. What is the acceleration(ordecelration) rate? If shock wave travels with a velocity of Vw, what is the time taken to change thevelocity from V1 to 0 over a length L of the pipe? Can you estimate the pressure difference usingby calculating the force needed to bring up the acceleration? (Ans is the same as the exampleworked out in the class)0.2. You are asked to select two pumps from a wide variety of choices. The pumps have either highhead (meaning they can develop high pressure) OR low head. You have to pump two differentliquids, liquid P which is pseudoplastic (Relation between shear stress and velocity gradient givenby power law with n <1) and liquid D which is a dilatant (power law, with n>1). What would youchoose for each one of them and why? What should be the diameters of the pipes for carrying theliquids (small or large)? The required volumetric flowrates are known (eg QD and QP) and theliquids are incompressible.
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