This study was conducted (i) to develop computer-assisted musical pronunciation course ware for teaching English word stress, sentence stress and intonation; (ii) to
enhance learners’ abilities in proper English word stress, sentence stress and intonation patterns by using computer-assisted musical pronunciation course ware; and (iii) to
investigate learners’ attitudes toward computer-assisted musical pronunciation
course ware. To achieve the first purpose, the Computer-Assisted Musical Pronunciation
was constructed. It consisted of the pre-pronunciation test, 10 lessons about English suprasegmentals, and the post pronunciation test. The lessons in the computer- assisted musical pronunciation course ware consisted of content about English
suprasegmentals, exercises, and songs. The contents were studied and selected. Then,
the words and sentences were selected by 3 teachers who teach Business English. After
that, the contents were checked for content validity by 3 experts. The music and songs
were written and composed based on the content of each lesson. The next step was conducting trials of the course ware with the one-to-one testing and small group testing. The course ware was then used with the sample group.