Adenuga, Olumide Afolarin has studied
“Factors Affecting Quality in the Delivery of Public
Housing Projects in Lagos State, Nigeria” in that the
research work delves into the origin of public housing in
Lagos, Nigeria and its development over the years. It
identifies the challenges of public housing but focuses on
appraising the quality assurance practices in the
construction industry. The objectives are to examine the
factors that hinder effective quality assurance practices; and
to ascertain who should be largely responsible for
ensuring/enforcing effective quality assurance practices in
public housing projects. In achieving the objectives, a field
survey involving a sample size of 73 respondents, mainly
the professionals in the built environment working directly
with Lagos State and those managing the housing projects
awarded to different contractors using structured
questionnaires. The study reveals that the aims and
objectives of quality assurance are easily compromised and
frequently lost since it relies heavily upon the individual
contributions to implementation from each designer,
contractor, supplier and sub-contractor. The study concludes
that all have major roles to play in ensuring quality work in
public housing projects; enforcement of quality standards by
government agencies, setting up of quality assurance
department in construction firms and enforcing statutory
requirements as well as providing trainings and seminars on
quality standard. Severe penalty for non compliance to
quality standards be put in place by government and
professional bodies. Clients must demand proof of
contractors’ credentials for quality assurance capabilitybefore compiling their tender lists, and professionals on the
project must try to work together in attaining desired