• Step 1: Pricing User has to prepare the selling price interface file (.csv file) separately by normal selling price and promotion selling price with details of item sales unit by site and selling information with effective period. And upload the selling price interface file into RMS system.
• Step 2: The first batch process is processed (Batch process (1)) by calling SQL Loader in order to integrate the selling price interface file into the interface table with first status as ‘0- To be process’ on each record.
• Step 3: If the selling price interface file is integrated successfully into interface table, it is kept as the same file name with extension ‘.sav’ at archive path.
• Step 4: The second batch process is processed (Batch process (2)) by calling Stored Procedure in order to generate a new Normal Selling Price or a new Promotion Selling Price Type1 in selling price of each table.
• Step 5: The finish generating, system updates the process status of each record into interface table.