Fig. 6. Effect of glycerol content and LDPE viscosity on the morphology of microtomed
PE/TPS (70/30) blends. PE1/TPS blends: a) 40% glycerol, b) 36% glycerol, and c) 29%
glycerol. d) PE2/TPS at 29% glycerol content. The black bar below the micrographs
represents 10m.
Fig. 7. Influence of TPS concentration on the morphology of PE1/TPS36 blends. a) 29 wt%
TPS, b) 36 wt% TPS, c) 45 wt% TPS, and d) 53 wt% TPS. The black bar below the
micrographs represents 10m.
Fig. 8. Influence of TPS concentration on the morphology of PE1/TPS29 blends. a) 30 wt% TPS,
b) 41 wt% TPS, and c) 49 wt% TPS. The black bar below the micrographs represents 10m.