„Why will that have many military to take orders in him?”
„Because he is 8th Heavenly Layer Star martial art user. Repairing of Star martial art user to be extremely difficult to promote, can practice 6th Heavenly Layer above Star martial art user to be very few, 7th Heavenly Layer say nothing, as for 8th Heavenly Layer, entire Great Zhou Divine Royal Court was few, to 9th Heavenly Layer, then absolutely does not have.” Xia Yuning said on and on.
Heard the Xia Yuning words, Ye Xinghe, has not thought that the Star martial art inheritance was unexpectedly on the wane to so the degree.
„As long as but repaired to promote 6th Heavenly Layer above Star martial art user, was the treasure. Because Star martial art user has formidable treatment ability, in this martial arts prosperous world, the severely wounded incurable person is the case everywhere, as 8th Heavenly Layer Star martial art user, the person who my master saves more than several thousands, including cultivation to much be formidable, even some 9th Heavenly Layer Dragon martial art user and Flame martial art user. These people want to return the human sentiment of my master, but my master does not need them. But I, is his only treasure apprentice!” Xia Yuning a little contentedly said.
„Originally is this.” Ye Xinghe then responded that originally the Star martial art user treatment ability, can accumulate such big prestige, Ye Xinghe cannot help but reconsiders itself, his treatment ability, strong?
However thinks that helped the human treat this matter, Ye Xinghe remembers Lin Hong to his warning, Lin Hong once warned him, do not help other people treat. Why although not too clear Lin Hong said that but Ye Xinghe can feel that Lin Hong good such to remind for him his, therefore he received this thought temporarily first.
„What kind, I can help you gather some trustworthy people, but you must accept my condition.” Xia Yuning smiles.
„What condition?” Ye Xinghe asked.
„From now henceforth, where no matter goes, you must let me.” Xia Yuning raises the head, purses the lips to say with a smile.
„I must go conveniently, can you also with inadequate?” The Ye Xinghe forced smile, turns the head to leave saying that „that is considers as finished, I seperately try to find the solution!”
„Hello, Ye Xinghe, these matters were an exception are always OK.” Xia Yuning had no more to do with follow.
„Considers as finished, asks others for help to might as well ask oneself.” Ye Xinghe smiles to say lightly that continues to face forward.
„Ye Xinghe!” Xia Yuning stamped the feet, „do that I help not to be good free?”
„That many thanks!” The Ye Xinghe sound curls to convey.