Good night Yuva.
It does not take me nearly as long as it use to, to type a full page. While I never took typing. Once I got out of the Marine Corps. Typing became a way of life. Commands into the main frame computer, commands into a DOS based PC, one of the first to come out. Learning how to use hexidecimal code to program terminal controllers. All of those things required typing. So I kind of figured a way to stumble through. I still look at the keyboard a lot to type, but it reduces mistakes. And as long as I know what I am trying to say, I can put up some pretty fair numbers for an untrained typist.
Thank you for the complements. However, please do not discount your own intelligence and maturity. We both just have different experiences. I have experienced several different situations with young little girls who do not have their father around. They can snuggle up and make you forget the rest of the world. I am not sure why little girls can do that to anyone, but they can. My heart aches for each and everyone of them. Which was there for a while, I stayed away from anyone who had kids. I didn't want it to be about the little girl and not her mother. That would have ended up very awkward. I found I too often dealt with a lot of things I would not deal with because I wanted that poor little girl to have a father around. And the person who paid the most for me hanging around ultimately ended up being the little girl. Then I would spend time explaining to her it was not her fault. I just would never blame her mother either. And ultimately, it was mostly my fault. I hung around to keep a little girl happy and could not handle her mother being upset because I was attentive to her daughters needs while she was up. The good thing about it was it laid the foundation for me to raise Brooke. I now see some of the flaws in how I handled little girls, but over all I would say I did pretty fair. I have given Brooke the freedom to do things I thought were foolish. And they were. And she ended up coming home every time. Now she knows she needs to finish school to stand a chance in the real world and is finally headed in the right direction. Although, college has damaged her politically. I would have preferred she was down the middle of the road instead of so far left. But she is beginning to see some things through my eyes now.
The news is a rehash of the last couple of days. Outside of a cyclist from Chile being hit by a truck and being killed in northern Thailand. Kind of sad. He was trying to complete cycling around the world in five years. He was in his last year and working his way towards the Pacific Ocean. Where he would have crossed the ocean by boat to complete his journey. I looked at the Bangkok Post today. What we see here in English is a set of videos with some catchy head lines to draw interest. To many and to difficult even for me to track. And they are in English! Guess even I can become confused when pushed.
Pleasant dreams and sleep well. I think about you always.
Hugs & Kisses