Social behavior (6-point scale, alpha = .80)
Stopped visiting particular websites because you fear they
might deposit unwanted program on your computers
3.21 1.85
Given false or inaccurate email address or fake name to
websites because of the privacy concern
2.54 1.73
Decided not to make an online purchase because you were
unsure of how information would be used
3.42 1.72
Chose not to register on a website because it asked you for
personal information to get into the site
4.28 1.63
Complained to a consumer or government agency about
marketing practices of particular websites
1.50 1.07
Asked a website to remove your name and address from any
lists used for marketing purpose
3.51 1.82
Asked not to share your personal information with other
3.58 1.97
Used an email address that is not your main address, in order to
avoid giving a website real information about yourself
2.89 1.97
Technical behavior (6-point scale, alpha = .70)
Cleared your web browser history 3.49 1.81
Used filters to block or manage unwanted email 4.56 1.90
Erased some or all of the cookies on your computer 3.68 1.90
Used software that hides your computer’s identity from
websites you visit