You all get equipment and move to form a convoy. Your company was going to the capital of the Lamias known as "Snake Head City". To get there you have to travel through a jungle area. You were watching the sides of the dangerously dense jungle area. You were going down the road but then...
*Glass shatter*
Your driver was hit by an arrow and crashed into the barricade in the median.
You: "Shit get out the car!"
Robins: "(L/n) help me get Jones out the car."
You: "Davis watch our asses!"
You swing around to the drivers side and see that Jones your driver was dead. You pull him out the seat and put him in the back. You get in the driver's seat and pull the Humvee back. Another Humvee drives up to your crash.
You: "Hey! Help us!"
Before your message got to them a flaming arrow came out of know where and hit their jerry can causing them to blow up.
You duck down to avoid the shrapnel and you look to the forest and see that Lamia were charging out of it.
???: "Capture them and rape them!"
You and the rest of your squad get behind the car and start to open fire at the charging Lamia.
Davis: "There too many of them!"
You: "Just keep firing!"
You stopped the wave of them and you were already almost of ammo. You were about to get into the car until a arrow hit Robins' knee.
Robins: "Shit there's something green on the tip..."
Davis caught him before he fell.
Davis: "Shit it's poison, watchout!"
You turned around and saw a green lamia and everything went black. You woke up to here Davis screaming.
Davis: "No, no, no please I have a wife and child!"
Janice: "All the more right to rape you~."
Davis: "No! Don't put it in!"
???: "I see you're awake."
You look up and see a purple Lamia.
Ashley: "I am the Lamia leader of the Union, Ashley. I'm pretty sure you heard your friend in the other tent over there."
You: "What er you going to do with me?"
Ashley: "Oh, so many things.... My Darling~"
To Be Continued...