Risk Management and Internal Controls
The Board believes in the importance of maintaining a sound system of risk management and internal controls to safeguard
shareholders’ interests and the Group’s assets.
Biosensors has a Group Risk Management Framework (the “Framework”) for the identification and assessment of risks within
the Group. This Framework is primarily based on the ISO Standard 31000:2009 Risk Management – Principles and Guidelines.
The identification and assessment of risks is delegated to management who assumes ownership and day-to-day management
of these risks. Management is responsible for the effective implementation of risk management strategy, policies, processes
and internal controls to facilitate the achievement of strategic objectives.
Significant business risks are proactively identified, addressed and reviewed on an ongoing basis, in particular the following:
Product Technology Risk
The Group operates in a rapidly changing business environment, and there is a risk that products can become uncompetitive.
To address this risk, the Group continues to invest in R&D to improve its existing product lines with new and innovative
technology and to develop new product lines. The Group’s R&D, sales and marketing teams continually anticipate, monitor
and keep pace with developments and advances in the medical device product business environment.
The Group is committed to maintaining technological leadership through the following approaches:
• continued investment in, and support of, clinical trials, studies and research to explore new avenues of usage for its
existing products;
• continued R&D to improve and update its existing product lines with new and innovative technology; and
• continued R&D to develop new product lines.
The Group’s new manufacturing, R&D innovation centre and global headquarter in Singapore will greatly enhance its overall
capacity to meet its rapid growth and future expansion needs. This new facility – to be completed in FY15 – reflects the
Group’s commitment to continued innovation and R&D.
Product Portfolio Risk
The Group is constantly developing a comprehensive product portfolio and has established four separate Business Units
(“BUs”) – each responsible for the marketing, pricing and development strategy of its products within their respective business.
Apart from product diversification, the Group has consolidated its business development teams worldwide to constantly review
synergistic opportunities, whether through mergers, acquisitions or partnerships, to continue enhancing and diversifying
its product portfolio and to ensure future long-term growth prospects. In evaluating future acquisition and partnership
opportunities, the Group will focus on complementing its own development efforts with collaborations that will help the
Group gain new capabilities, or provide access to new and innovative technologies and products that the Group can accelerate
to market.