G-Get it out then!" Francis shouted, writhing in the water. "I don't care..haa...reach in and pull the fucker out if you have to!" He swore loudly, feeling his opening start to split and bleed as the baby forced itself out.
"Nngh.."Francis trailed off in a low moan, sinking into the waters, his belly, full and hard. He was sighing a little when suddenly, another wave of pain hit. Curling his toes and bucking his hips wildly, he gave a hoarse cry as the force of the contraction ejected the entire baby's head from his aching body. "Hhnnngh..b-burning..."
Niso shook his head quickly. "You have to push it out, the head's out Francis!" He said, reaching into the water and holding the baby's head still with one hand, his other holding Francis' swollen stomach. "Push!” "Tch..!" Francis gritted his teeth. He quickly drew breath, biting back a cry as his anal muscles contracted, sealing itself around the baby's neck. The next time he pushed, a fresh peal of pain bloomed in his anus from when both the baby's shoulders were battering against his opening. The grip on his knees weakened as shooting pains radiated up and down his spine, his teeth baring as he pushed, hard. “Just one more..” Francis muttered darkly then heaved, feeling the baby's shoulder slide all the way out before it was followed by the rest of its body. Dazed, he fell back and panted in exhaustion. Niso quickly caught the baby and pulled it out of the water, surprised to see it didn't have an umbilical cord. He held it close to himself and looked at Francis, shock on his face that Francis had just given birth.