Most people scoff at the very suggestion that an athlete can excel on a vegetarian (or vegan) diet.
Yet is has been done and continues to be done today. As far as energy goes, getting it from fruits
and vegetables really does eliminate the “middle man;” you can either eat your veggies or eat the
meat from animals that have eaten veggies. Why not go directly to the source? Beyond that, the
net gain of energy that comes from eating whole foods that are easier digested really does give
an athlete extra energy from conservation rather than consumption. Anyone who wants to trim
off the extra weight and yet receive more energy should read that sentence again.
Of prime importance for the holistic athlete are nutrient-rich, whole foods of organic plant origin.
When consumed, these become the building blocks from which our bodies are actually re-made.
An athlete who wants to excel in his or her chosen area of competition cannot afford to
regenerate an unhealthy body.
The subject of nutrition is a vast and well-studied one, but many theories exist regarding the best
way to eat, exercise, rest, and supplement the diet in order to excel as an athlete. The general
information given in this mini-course was designed not to inundate with technical jargon, but to
educated you on the benefits of making holistic nutrition choices for athletes. At this point, we
need to open the discussion up, to explore the different theories and help you determine what
nutritional advice is best for you or the people you are counseling.